September 2024 Adoptions
Written by Julia Persch

Daisy and Toffee
In July a good Samaritan stopped at the Shelter door with a crate full of young cats that had been left at the side of a road. The cats were in rough shape, wet, dirty and skinny...but very, very sweet.

Daisy and Toffee were two of them, a young mom and her male kitten. After they were cleaned up and had eaten ravenously, Toffee started his new life happily bouncing around. He was adventurous, curious and playful. He dove through cat tunnels and loved chasing wand toys. Daisy on the other hand was very laid back, and unusually quiet for a cat, who was barely 1-year-old. She seemed exhausted, depleted from pregnancy, motherhood, not enough nutrition. She needed several weeks to replenish her energy and to show her true spirit, which wasn’t very different from her spunky offspring!

Kim from Glen, NH, had been looking for a kitten for about a month. Her previous cat was 23 years old when she peacefully passed away, which had been 3 years ago. Kim missed having a kitty along with her sweet dog Amber and felt ready to adopt again. Kim saw Daisy and Toffee on the KAS website and thought they might be right for her. She applied and took them home on September 2nd.
On September 6th Kim reported:
“Hi, I’m having fun with the kids! Toffee, now called Dewey, is running around the room, jumping from one thing to another. LOL! OMG! I’m in love.”
On September 6th Kim reported:
“Hi, I’m having fun with the kids! Toffee, now called Dewey, is running around the room, jumping from one thing to another. LOL! OMG! I’m in love.”

On September 10th Kim wrote:
“Beginning dog-cat introductions! Last night I closed the main room off - which I’m going to do for a while - and opened the door for the kitties. They both came out and began exploring. My dog Amber was on the couch and watched them. She moved to the floor and sat to watch more closely. Both Dewey and Daisy looked at Amber in wonder. Dewey approached her from behind to sniff. Amber just stayed. I moved to my yoga mat to stretch. Daisy is becoming very attached to me. So, while I was lying down Daisy came over and began to rub against me, eventually lying down for me to rub her tummy. Amber was jealous for sure. She got up and pushed her way by Daisy to get her own hugs and kisses. This happened next, as I laughed at their interaction: Daisy rubbed against Amber and continued to move around her legs and weave in and out under her. I didn’t have my camera so I couldn’t record it, but it was precious. Amber was totally docile and just looked at me. Then Dewey came over, wondering what his mom was doing. He’s a bit more timid with Amber, but they are all going to be great buddies!”
“Beginning dog-cat introductions! Last night I closed the main room off - which I’m going to do for a while - and opened the door for the kitties. They both came out and began exploring. My dog Amber was on the couch and watched them. She moved to the floor and sat to watch more closely. Both Dewey and Daisy looked at Amber in wonder. Dewey approached her from behind to sniff. Amber just stayed. I moved to my yoga mat to stretch. Daisy is becoming very attached to me. So, while I was lying down Daisy came over and began to rub against me, eventually lying down for me to rub her tummy. Amber was jealous for sure. She got up and pushed her way by Daisy to get her own hugs and kisses. This happened next, as I laughed at their interaction: Daisy rubbed against Amber and continued to move around her legs and weave in and out under her. I didn’t have my camera so I couldn’t record it, but it was precious. Amber was totally docile and just looked at me. Then Dewey came over, wondering what his mom was doing. He’s a bit more timid with Amber, but they are all going to be great buddies!”

On September 29th Kim wrote:
“The kitties truly are a blessing for me, and I personally believe that my husband, who passed away 10 years ago, had something to do with it. The kitties and Amber are doing so well, being such good buddies that you might think they’ve been here for years. They crack me up lol! They are just adorable together and follow me around like their mom. They all sleep with me; when I sit down, they come to me. This is pretty funny, too: If I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, they follow me into the bathroom. I can’t tell you enough how much I love these cats. Hugs, Kim”
“The kitties truly are a blessing for me, and I personally believe that my husband, who passed away 10 years ago, had something to do with it. The kitties and Amber are doing so well, being such good buddies that you might think they’ve been here for years. They crack me up lol! They are just adorable together and follow me around like their mom. They all sleep with me; when I sit down, they come to me. This is pretty funny, too: If I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, they follow me into the bathroom. I can’t tell you enough how much I love these cats. Hugs, Kim”

Marigold and Sweetie
Young Marigold and her little black kitten Sweetie emerged from the same dirty, wet crate as Daisy and Toffee, after they were abandoned at the side of a road and dropped off at the Shelter.
Sweetie was possibly the most affectionate kitten we’ve every met. She was irresistible, wanting to be held in one’s arms, cuddled and talked to, being pure love. Her mom Marigold was loving and gentle but needing time to recover from her hardships. The cats were so friendly, they must have been treated kindly, although Marigold was as skinny and undernourished as Daisy.
Young Marigold and her little black kitten Sweetie emerged from the same dirty, wet crate as Daisy and Toffee, after they were abandoned at the side of a road and dropped off at the Shelter.
Sweetie was possibly the most affectionate kitten we’ve every met. She was irresistible, wanting to be held in one’s arms, cuddled and talked to, being pure love. Her mom Marigold was loving and gentle but needing time to recover from her hardships. The cats were so friendly, they must have been treated kindly, although Marigold was as skinny and undernourished as Daisy.

Mary from St. Johnsbury applied for the two love bugs. The family got glowing reports for their pet care. Their sweet Golden Retriever Cadie, had been with cats in the household and was missing her cat friend Arlo who had died recently.
Mary, her husband and their two teenage sons were all looking forward to the new feline family members. They adopted Marigold and Sweetie on September 14th.
They planned to keep the cats in a separate safe room for a while to introduce them slowly to their dog. On September 19th Mary sent the first picture of the kittens: “They are enjoying some snuggle time on Cadie’s bed. They are settling in so nicely.”
Mary, her husband and their two teenage sons were all looking forward to the new feline family members. They adopted Marigold and Sweetie on September 14th.
They planned to keep the cats in a separate safe room for a while to introduce them slowly to their dog. On September 19th Mary sent the first picture of the kittens: “They are enjoying some snuggle time on Cadie’s bed. They are settling in so nicely.”

On September 20th Mary wrote:
“When Marigold walked into the house for the first time, she was in catnip bliss within 10 minutes of arrival. I was so surprised, as I was expecting her to be very timid. She’s been adventurous so far – clearly ready to move out of the “safe room” and explore the rest of the house. And Sweetie is very entertaining and wants to be involved in everything.
Cady has been very good with them. Not a lot of interaction yet, as the cats are not ready. We’ve had her in the living room on a leash sitting on the couch with us, and both Marigold and Sweetie have come up to sniff and watch her but are not quite ready for a full-on interaction. Cady is really excited to have sisters, so I think it will be wonderful once Marigold and Sweetie get more comfortable.”
On September 29th Mary wrote:
“We are just loving their personalities that are coming out as they get more and more used to the house. They are now sitting about 3-4 feet from the dog. And checking her out when she is sleeping. Soon I expect to find them all curled up together. They just love our son Jonah and have started to sleep in his room. They cry outside his door until he lets them in.”
“When Marigold walked into the house for the first time, she was in catnip bliss within 10 minutes of arrival. I was so surprised, as I was expecting her to be very timid. She’s been adventurous so far – clearly ready to move out of the “safe room” and explore the rest of the house. And Sweetie is very entertaining and wants to be involved in everything.
Cady has been very good with them. Not a lot of interaction yet, as the cats are not ready. We’ve had her in the living room on a leash sitting on the couch with us, and both Marigold and Sweetie have come up to sniff and watch her but are not quite ready for a full-on interaction. Cady is really excited to have sisters, so I think it will be wonderful once Marigold and Sweetie get more comfortable.”
On September 29th Mary wrote:
“We are just loving their personalities that are coming out as they get more and more used to the house. They are now sitting about 3-4 feet from the dog. And checking her out when she is sleeping. Soon I expect to find them all curled up together. They just love our son Jonah and have started to sleep in his room. They cry outside his door until he lets them in.”

On October 14th Mary wrote: Marigold and Cleo (aka Sweetie) are doing really well. They have settled into a nice routine spending their day next to Ben while he works, sleeping in their cat condo, and playing with the kids in the evening. Both are very vocal about letting us know when it is time for breakfast and dinner! They now eat comfortably beside Cady and sit near her, but no real snuggling up together yet. I think that is coming soon – especially as it gets colder! Cleo’s favorite spot right now is playing between the shower curtains and in the bathtub.

Prince Harry
Back in January the local Animal Control Officer received this adorable young boy from an elderly gentleman in a trailer park who was very ill and couldn't care for him anymore. KAS took the Princeling and within 2 weeks he found a new home.
But Harry couldn’t quite adjust to his new household. He was returned to us in August, to the great delight of KAS volunteer Kayla, who adopted Harry on September 8th. Her orange kitty George had been lonely for royal cat company.
Kayla reported very soon that introductions at home were going great, and she was thrilled how things very going. She sent pictures of the boys who became best friends within a couple of weeks. Harry has found his forever home!
Back in January the local Animal Control Officer received this adorable young boy from an elderly gentleman in a trailer park who was very ill and couldn't care for him anymore. KAS took the Princeling and within 2 weeks he found a new home.
But Harry couldn’t quite adjust to his new household. He was returned to us in August, to the great delight of KAS volunteer Kayla, who adopted Harry on September 8th. Her orange kitty George had been lonely for royal cat company.
Kayla reported very soon that introductions at home were going great, and she was thrilled how things very going. She sent pictures of the boys who became best friends within a couple of weeks. Harry has found his forever home!

This 11-year-old girl was surrendered to the shelter in August when her human companion could no longer care for her and had to go into assisted living. Her combination of striking beauty, soft fluffy fur, and loving personality made her irresistible. Siobhan became our resident biscuit maker, making dozens any time she curled up purring with a human and she loved to be brushed. Her room became a favorite hang-out place for volunteers to relax after their Shelter duties.
Karen from St. Johnsbury had visited the Shelter several times in the past to look for her love match and she finally found it in this sweet senior cat. Karen had had many beloved cats in her life and her house was a kitty haven with lots of windows and cat perches. She looked forward to having a cat curl up on her bed again. We knew that Siobhan would find a great home with her. Karen adopted Siobhan on September 15th.

On September 22nd Karen gave an update:
“Siobhan is so happy and brave! She sits on the table with me before I go to work. She is very playful, loves her toys. She’ll come sit with me wherever I am. She’s eating very well, drinking plenty, and using the litter box.
She likes to look out the window, while at first, she was very skittish at car noises (she hissed when she heard a car being locked!) Now she’ll sit in the open window smelling the fresh air! So that’s how she’s doing. I’m very happy, I’m less anxious in general. It’s really nice having a cat again!”
“Siobhan is so happy and brave! She sits on the table with me before I go to work. She is very playful, loves her toys. She’ll come sit with me wherever I am. She’s eating very well, drinking plenty, and using the litter box.
She likes to look out the window, while at first, she was very skittish at car noises (she hissed when she heard a car being locked!) Now she’ll sit in the open window smelling the fresh air! So that’s how she’s doing. I’m very happy, I’m less anxious in general. It’s really nice having a cat again!”

In May, the Shelter got a call that an elderly gentleman had a kitten that he couldn't keep up with. The kitten was just too much for him to take care of.
Little Jackson was placed in a foster home with foster mom Tori. He was a cheerful, energetic socialite who loved to be around people and other cats. Jackson was gregarious and liked to be where the action was. He plaid well with other cats and with people of all ages. He had loads of energy and zipped around his foster home with two of the younger kitties.
He loved to be held and be carried around on his back, cradled like a baby, getting his belly rubbed or snoozing on a lap. It was obvious that he would love to live in a lively household with other pets and multiple family members.
In May, the Shelter got a call that an elderly gentleman had a kitten that he couldn't keep up with. The kitten was just too much for him to take care of.
Little Jackson was placed in a foster home with foster mom Tori. He was a cheerful, energetic socialite who loved to be around people and other cats. Jackson was gregarious and liked to be where the action was. He plaid well with other cats and with people of all ages. He had loads of energy and zipped around his foster home with two of the younger kitties.
He loved to be held and be carried around on his back, cradled like a baby, getting his belly rubbed or snoozing on a lap. It was obvious that he would love to live in a lively household with other pets and multiple family members.

Kristen from Lyndonville, a friend of the foster family, visited Jackson with her kids and they all fell instantly in love with him. They had a 2-year-old Golden Retriever, Lux, who would also welcome a feline buddy. Kristen adopted Jackson on September 17th.
On September 24th, foster mom Tori sent an update about Jackson’s new home:
“Jackson has been doing so well! He didn’t hide the first night, he kinda just slid right in like he’s known the family forever. He has been exploring his new home, spreading his love around to every human in the house, and is figuring out what a dog is. He is not afraid of Lux, the friendly dog, just isn’t sure what this extra-large cat is about. So far, no hissing, just not quite sure what to make of it.
On September 24th, foster mom Tori sent an update about Jackson’s new home:
“Jackson has been doing so well! He didn’t hide the first night, he kinda just slid right in like he’s known the family forever. He has been exploring his new home, spreading his love around to every human in the house, and is figuring out what a dog is. He is not afraid of Lux, the friendly dog, just isn’t sure what this extra-large cat is about. So far, no hissing, just not quite sure what to make of it.

He apparently trades off who he sleeps with every night and his humans all get their share of love from him. His human brothers think he’s the greatest thing in the world, and they love playing with him so much. Kristen loves having a little companion while she is working from home, and he makes an awesome coworker. Jeff loves that he has a nap buddy, and that Jackson likes to be a little lap cat. Broxton was home sick today, and Jackson kept him company.
I get cat pics almost daily. Honestly, I’m so happy for all of them❤️.”
I get cat pics almost daily. Honestly, I’m so happy for all of them❤️.”