Chubby Tubbies, Chubbies No More!!
-Helen Morrison, Board President
For some reason, over the past months, we have had an influx of overweight cats. Sam, Sable, Wendy, Peter and Evelyn…and more. I have been trying to figure out why. And it occurs to me that when pet owners’ lives get overwhelming, either because of circumstance or aging, often the care of the pets can get lost in all the other challenges. And then…the least complicated is to put down food for free feeding, because at least, that way you know that they are getting fed.
There is no blame here…for the most part, people love their pets and want to do what is best for them, if they can. But sometimes, they just can’t. And then….it is commendable that their humans or their family members take steps to surrender them to find new situations where they can be well cared for, even when letting them go is incredibly hard and painful.
Once these chubby kitties are with us, we tend to their immediate health needs…and then begin the very slow and deliberate and careful process of helping them lose weight. It has to be very slow and planned, because otherwise, their livers can be dangerously affected.
And that brings us to Peter and Evelyn. They came to us in June of 2023. I commend the owner for realizing that they needed help. These two kitties were overwhelmed by the goings on in the household, as was the owner. And she knew that they needed help and that she couldn’t give it. These two had been free fed…and had been hiding in a small closet. They were so overweight that they couldn’t move well and couldn’t clean themselves. And that led to skin infections. Very carefully, with Dr. Sally’s plans, they were treated daily to clear up those infections…and to lose weight. Evelyn went from 19 pounds to 14.7 pounds in 9 months.
Peter went from 20.6 pounds to 15.9 pounds, in the same amount of time. The perfect, slow decrease. There is more to be lost, for sure. But they are well on the road.
Even though their obesity has led to some arthritis, especially with Evelyn, they are both now so active and playful. Watching Peter play and leap after a toy mouse makes one’s heart soar. Seeing Evelyn scamper around the Shelter, climbing up a tall cat tower to the top just makes the care and love totally worth it.

There was a lot to be learned here…for us Shelter folks…about weight and health in particular, but also patience and deliberate attention to a plan. Some things take time, must take time. In this fast paced world that wants immediate results, we tend to forget about patience and the long term view. But often, that is the best view, the long view…for the big things, and for the very small.
On March 30, Evelyn and Peter made the journey to Montpelier to their new home with Kelly and James. In just two weeks, there have been so many explorations and changes in these two wonderful felines.
So, get a cup of tea, maybe a sweet biscuit or two, settle back in your most comfy chair…and enjoy the beginnings of Peter and Evelyn in their forever home.
March 30
The kitties did beautifully on the ride home. No accidents and no car sickness. They were vocal, especially at the beginning and only occasionally thereafter.
As you can see, Peter is fully relaxed and exploring every floor - over and over. Then he will sit with me. Next he will lay down on the little bed in the den with James. He wants to check out the views from every window and vantage point. He is absolutely delightful and a complete joy. He has eaten his full brunch and used the litter box! That cat has gotten so much exercise going up and down the stairs, jumping on every flat surface, etc. I can tell he’s sleepy but he’s just a little too excited to snooze yet. He purrs a lot!
On March 30, Evelyn and Peter made the journey to Montpelier to their new home with Kelly and James. In just two weeks, there have been so many explorations and changes in these two wonderful felines.
So, get a cup of tea, maybe a sweet biscuit or two, settle back in your most comfy chair…and enjoy the beginnings of Peter and Evelyn in their forever home.
March 30
The kitties did beautifully on the ride home. No accidents and no car sickness. They were vocal, especially at the beginning and only occasionally thereafter.
As you can see, Peter is fully relaxed and exploring every floor - over and over. Then he will sit with me. Next he will lay down on the little bed in the den with James. He wants to check out the views from every window and vantage point. He is absolutely delightful and a complete joy. He has eaten his full brunch and used the litter box! That cat has gotten so much exercise going up and down the stairs, jumping on every flat surface, etc. I can tell he’s sleepy but he’s just a little too excited to snooze yet. He purrs a lot!

Evelyn is hiding in the basement and will not come out of hiding for more than a few seconds. Not enticed by food. I keep going down, but she’s too anxious. This distresses her brother from time to time and he keeps going down to the basement to check on her. He meows at her, also, from the top of the stairs; trying very hard to get his sister up here to enjoy the wonders of all these floors. It’s hard not to worry. I hope this is normal.
Thank you so much for everything today and all that led up to today. The photo of Peter is in what is his favorite spot on the rug. Exactly halfway between where James and I are trying to relax and act normal. How I long to see Evelyn’s pretty face upstairs.
Please spread the good news about Peter. Already acts like he owns the place! Love, Kelly.
Thank you so much for everything today and all that led up to today. The photo of Peter is in what is his favorite spot on the rug. Exactly halfway between where James and I are trying to relax and act normal. How I long to see Evelyn’s pretty face upstairs.
Please spread the good news about Peter. Already acts like he owns the place! Love, Kelly.

April 3
Well, it has been an adventurous 4 days. As James mentioned, Peter owned the house on day one! Evelyn had her safe spots in the basement. Although she didn’t eat much the first day, she began eating, drinking and using the litter box on Day 2. We kept very close track of both, but especially Evelyn. She emerged from the basement on Day 3. Although very skittish, she and Peter were both on a side of me on the couch. She continues to startle easily and run toward the basement, but is now, Day 4, happy to be upstairs exploring. She continues to be nervous but we expect that for a few weeks. She eats, drinks and uses the litter box perfectly, as does Peter. Today’s big adventure was Evelyn going up to the top floor. She is very curious and tentative about that floor, but I turned my back and that’s where she wanted to go and did.
These two are getting a lot of exercise and do enjoy the stairs. Evelyn is slower as her legs are shorter than Peter’s and she is still carrying a couple of pounds of extra weight.
I can say they are both much less fixated on eating with so much room and things to explore. They eat when it’s time, but do not constantly beg. I suspect the weight loss will be quicker given their new world and their exercise. Peter is not well-mannered at feeding time! He eats more quickly than Evelyn and then goes for her food. We have to watch them and separate them a bit.
They are both quite vocal in their new home. Evelyn especially. She especially likes to hear the sound of our reassuring voices. Peter enjoys the little mice; Evelyn doesn’t show much interest yet. Too much else to do! And she is behind Peter by a few days in her adjustment to having such a great place to explore. She definitely needs more patience and reassurance. Not going to lie! It has been hard, though lovely, work to get them settled. We aren’t quite there, but wow, we’ve come a long way with them. You would be thrilled.
Much love and many thanks. We adore these wonderful cats… Kelly
April 4
I just had to share the latest. Yesterday’s feat was Evelyn coming upstairs on her own without coaxing and staying for longer on the first floor. Last night, during James’s one on one time with them, he managed to get both on the little daybed in the den with him. Evelyn laid right beside him and also made some “biscuits!” James slept down on the bed all night and Peter stayed right with him. James has his time with them after I’ve gone to bed. I have my time with them very early in the morning. This morning’s marvel is playing! Both of them! They both love the packing paper strewn on the floor (which makes the house look like its residents don’t know the proper way to dispose of trash). It’s noisy and they like to pounce on it. The other favorite are those little gray furry mice. Evelyn was tossing and pouncing just as Peter does. And, most joyous to them of all, is getting the mouse on or into the packing paper and stalking it!
Just thought you’d get a kick out of this. Evelyn still retreats to her safe place when she’s ready for a rest. And Peter, like the amazing brother he is, goes down there and keeps her company. We have some summer porch chairs down there that they enjoy lounging on.
April 6
Day 5: Thursday news regarding the cats is turf tiffs! Even bonded pairs have little dust-ups now and then. This particular tiff was over who was going to “own” the basement and who the 1st floor. They are so tactically smart, though. One has to chuckle. Peter stood dead center at the top of the steps to enter the first floor, daring Evelyn to go ahead and try coming up! And Evelyn was about 2 steps down, laying horizontally on the step, leaving no room to go by and thus blocking her brother from going to the basement! There was some hissing, swatting and caterwauling! Mama had to break that up and let them know by loud voice and clapping that we were not going to tolerate loitering on the stairs and it was time to move along.
Days 6-7
I had the audacity to sleep in until after 4 am this morning. I was made to pay by coming downstairs to two ravenous cats both scolding me loudly and getting right under my feet. As the goal is a little quiet time for coffee and waking up, they were fed asap. I’ll never be fast enough for them!
Yesterday (Day 6) was largely about trying to get the sibs to understand having to look out the window to entertain themselves. They are used to being in the shelter which has large windows everywhere and they can view the outside from the comfort of their high perches. That was the reason the storm doors were made available. With their large glass windows they can sit. And watch.
The other event yesterday was beginning to put back our outdoor furniture into storage position in the basement, making it a little less comfortable for them to spend too much time in the basement. We really want them to understand the upper floors are where we live. They will always have free access to the basement to explore and use the litter boxes but we don’t want them to settle into a routine down there. Evelyn still has her safe place there and that’s ok. But they need to understand that people (and kitties) live upstairs. There are still a couple of places down there where they can sit or lay for a bit; they just aren’t as comfy as the porch furniture.
Well, it has been an adventurous 4 days. As James mentioned, Peter owned the house on day one! Evelyn had her safe spots in the basement. Although she didn’t eat much the first day, she began eating, drinking and using the litter box on Day 2. We kept very close track of both, but especially Evelyn. She emerged from the basement on Day 3. Although very skittish, she and Peter were both on a side of me on the couch. She continues to startle easily and run toward the basement, but is now, Day 4, happy to be upstairs exploring. She continues to be nervous but we expect that for a few weeks. She eats, drinks and uses the litter box perfectly, as does Peter. Today’s big adventure was Evelyn going up to the top floor. She is very curious and tentative about that floor, but I turned my back and that’s where she wanted to go and did.
These two are getting a lot of exercise and do enjoy the stairs. Evelyn is slower as her legs are shorter than Peter’s and she is still carrying a couple of pounds of extra weight.
I can say they are both much less fixated on eating with so much room and things to explore. They eat when it’s time, but do not constantly beg. I suspect the weight loss will be quicker given their new world and their exercise. Peter is not well-mannered at feeding time! He eats more quickly than Evelyn and then goes for her food. We have to watch them and separate them a bit.
They are both quite vocal in their new home. Evelyn especially. She especially likes to hear the sound of our reassuring voices. Peter enjoys the little mice; Evelyn doesn’t show much interest yet. Too much else to do! And she is behind Peter by a few days in her adjustment to having such a great place to explore. She definitely needs more patience and reassurance. Not going to lie! It has been hard, though lovely, work to get them settled. We aren’t quite there, but wow, we’ve come a long way with them. You would be thrilled.
Much love and many thanks. We adore these wonderful cats… Kelly
April 4
I just had to share the latest. Yesterday’s feat was Evelyn coming upstairs on her own without coaxing and staying for longer on the first floor. Last night, during James’s one on one time with them, he managed to get both on the little daybed in the den with him. Evelyn laid right beside him and also made some “biscuits!” James slept down on the bed all night and Peter stayed right with him. James has his time with them after I’ve gone to bed. I have my time with them very early in the morning. This morning’s marvel is playing! Both of them! They both love the packing paper strewn on the floor (which makes the house look like its residents don’t know the proper way to dispose of trash). It’s noisy and they like to pounce on it. The other favorite are those little gray furry mice. Evelyn was tossing and pouncing just as Peter does. And, most joyous to them of all, is getting the mouse on or into the packing paper and stalking it!
Just thought you’d get a kick out of this. Evelyn still retreats to her safe place when she’s ready for a rest. And Peter, like the amazing brother he is, goes down there and keeps her company. We have some summer porch chairs down there that they enjoy lounging on.
April 6
Day 5: Thursday news regarding the cats is turf tiffs! Even bonded pairs have little dust-ups now and then. This particular tiff was over who was going to “own” the basement and who the 1st floor. They are so tactically smart, though. One has to chuckle. Peter stood dead center at the top of the steps to enter the first floor, daring Evelyn to go ahead and try coming up! And Evelyn was about 2 steps down, laying horizontally on the step, leaving no room to go by and thus blocking her brother from going to the basement! There was some hissing, swatting and caterwauling! Mama had to break that up and let them know by loud voice and clapping that we were not going to tolerate loitering on the stairs and it was time to move along.
Days 6-7
I had the audacity to sleep in until after 4 am this morning. I was made to pay by coming downstairs to two ravenous cats both scolding me loudly and getting right under my feet. As the goal is a little quiet time for coffee and waking up, they were fed asap. I’ll never be fast enough for them!
Yesterday (Day 6) was largely about trying to get the sibs to understand having to look out the window to entertain themselves. They are used to being in the shelter which has large windows everywhere and they can view the outside from the comfort of their high perches. That was the reason the storm doors were made available. With their large glass windows they can sit. And watch.
The other event yesterday was beginning to put back our outdoor furniture into storage position in the basement, making it a little less comfortable for them to spend too much time in the basement. We really want them to understand the upper floors are where we live. They will always have free access to the basement to explore and use the litter boxes but we don’t want them to settle into a routine down there. Evelyn still has her safe place there and that’s ok. But they need to understand that people (and kitties) live upstairs. There are still a couple of places down there where they can sit or lay for a bit; they just aren’t as comfy as the porch furniture.

April 7
Hi Helen
A photo taken yesterday of a very calm and peaceful Evelyn. I adore these rare moments with her.
Love, Kelly, James, Peter and Evelyn ♥️
Hi Helen
A photo taken yesterday of a very calm and peaceful Evelyn. I adore these rare moments with her.
Love, Kelly, James, Peter and Evelyn ♥️

April 13
The 2 week report is all about Evelyn! Peter would be anyone’s idea of a perfect pet and has been from the very first day. The work has been with Evelyn and, my goodness, the strides she has made this week are astounding.
She no longer races off in the opposite direction (usually to what was her safe spot in the basement) when approached. She is far less skittish. She loves toys! And when there are no toys nearby she will create her own (often my pencil) with whatever strikes her fancy. She is smart as a whip. Has figured out the homemade steps up to the countertop of the bar, although has not taken that last step onto the bar yet. She pilfers any plastic or cellophane wrappers from the small wastebasket in James’s office and runs all around with them! Good luck trying to get it from her! She’s fast! And it’s so darn cute. She loves to haul around her blanket and her fish and deposits them wherever she thinks best. She enjoys carrying things in her mouth. In short, she has rather become the boss of all. We adore them both.
Addendum from Helen:
And that is where we are with Peter and Evelyn and Kelly and James. It is truly a match made in Heaven.
It is the most wonderful feeling in the world, to tend to these kitties with such care and love and hope for their well-being…and then to have them be welcomed and adored in a new and perfect home.
May it be that way, always!!
The 2 week report is all about Evelyn! Peter would be anyone’s idea of a perfect pet and has been from the very first day. The work has been with Evelyn and, my goodness, the strides she has made this week are astounding.
She no longer races off in the opposite direction (usually to what was her safe spot in the basement) when approached. She is far less skittish. She loves toys! And when there are no toys nearby she will create her own (often my pencil) with whatever strikes her fancy. She is smart as a whip. Has figured out the homemade steps up to the countertop of the bar, although has not taken that last step onto the bar yet. She pilfers any plastic or cellophane wrappers from the small wastebasket in James’s office and runs all around with them! Good luck trying to get it from her! She’s fast! And it’s so darn cute. She loves to haul around her blanket and her fish and deposits them wherever she thinks best. She enjoys carrying things in her mouth. In short, she has rather become the boss of all. We adore them both.
Addendum from Helen:
And that is where we are with Peter and Evelyn and Kelly and James. It is truly a match made in Heaven.
It is the most wonderful feeling in the world, to tend to these kitties with such care and love and hope for their well-being…and then to have them be welcomed and adored in a new and perfect home.
May it be that way, always!!