From the Heart
-Helen Morrison, President, Board of Directors
I love Fall. I love that Nature puts forth these colorful displays before she slows down. I love how the nights begin to be cold, clear, and crisp. I love how plants and animals get ready to nestle in, store up, fold in on themselves to conserve and get ready for sleep. I love the maturity of Nature in the Fall….the bounty.
And so…it seems a very very good time to be thankful. We are so lucky here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. We are so lucky in our Shelter. We have the most incredible, sweet, sensitive, caring, hard-working supporters and volunteers. Fall is Richness. The Shelter is Richness. We don’t just have a few high end supporters or just a few volunteers. We have so many of all sorts and we are truly blessed…because in that richness of diversity, of people with high means and people with just a little means to give, with people who have lots of time and talent to give, and people with very special, unique talents or a bit of time to give, we have all these wonderful ideas and strengths flowing in and around the Shelter.
We are very very lucky in all that diversity and richness. And it makes us unique and unlike any other Shelter.
So….I have a heart full of thanks in these late Summer/early Fall days…and for all of our supporters, our volunteers, and for the lucky kitties who have stolen all our hearts.