January 2024 Adoptions
Written by Julia Persch

A pretty, tri-colored young cat named Cleopatra was brought to the Shelter in mid-December. Her family needed to move, and they couldn’t take her. Little Cleo had been very much loved. She was a good little cat, gentle with the kids and gracious to visiting dogs.
Donna and Brad from NH were looking for such a pearl like her. They hoped to find a cat who would be a friendly housemate to their young dog Jazmine, a pug-mix who loved cats. They adopted Cleo on January 20th.
A pretty, tri-colored young cat named Cleopatra was brought to the Shelter in mid-December. Her family needed to move, and they couldn’t take her. Little Cleo had been very much loved. She was a good little cat, gentle with the kids and gracious to visiting dogs.
Donna and Brad from NH were looking for such a pearl like her. They hoped to find a cat who would be a friendly housemate to their young dog Jazmine, a pug-mix who loved cats. They adopted Cleo on January 20th.

After Cleo spent her first day at home, adoption counselor Nancy Rivet gave an update:
“I just spoke to Donna. Cleo is doing great. She is in her safe room, but they did allow the dog in for a short visit. The dog behaved very well, and they touched noses, but Cleo retreated. Cleo and Jazmine met again at the door with a gate between them and Jaz is being very respectful.
Donna said that Cleo is very affectionate, loves attention, is eating well and is using the litter box. Cleo slept with Donna in the safe space for a couple of hours, and Cleo drooled all over her. Donna thinks that so far, Cleo is a perfect fit.
“I just spoke to Donna. Cleo is doing great. She is in her safe room, but they did allow the dog in for a short visit. The dog behaved very well, and they touched noses, but Cleo retreated. Cleo and Jazmine met again at the door with a gate between them and Jaz is being very respectful.
Donna said that Cleo is very affectionate, loves attention, is eating well and is using the litter box. Cleo slept with Donna in the safe space for a couple of hours, and Cleo drooled all over her. Donna thinks that so far, Cleo is a perfect fit.

A week later Nancy wrote:
“Donna said that Cleo is doing absolutely wonderful. She has settled in well. They adore her. Cleo is very loving, is doing well with Jazmine, is sweet with both mom and dad, enjoys her cat tower, and her food. The first few days Cleo was in her safe room during the day and exploring the house at night. Now Cleo has the run of the house and is only separated when she is eating. They are very happy with Cleo.”
“Donna said that Cleo is doing absolutely wonderful. She has settled in well. They adore her. Cleo is very loving, is doing well with Jazmine, is sweet with both mom and dad, enjoys her cat tower, and her food. The first few days Cleo was in her safe room during the day and exploring the house at night. Now Cleo has the run of the house and is only separated when she is eating. They are very happy with Cleo.”

An update on Cleo on day 9:
“Donna says that Cleo is having fun to chase Jazmine around and Jaz loves to be chased. Jaz is very playful, and Cleo enjoys playing with Jaz, on her own terms. Donna thinks that Jaz does not realize what Cleo is really telling her: That the cat rules the house now!
Donna feels that Cleo is amazing and that she fits in perfectly with their family.”
“Donna says that Cleo is having fun to chase Jazmine around and Jaz loves to be chased. Jaz is very playful, and Cleo enjoys playing with Jaz, on her own terms. Donna thinks that Jaz does not realize what Cleo is really telling her: That the cat rules the house now!
Donna feels that Cleo is amazing and that she fits in perfectly with their family.”
Seth & Kendra
In October 2023, we received an email from the Mitzvah Fund in Montpelier, VT. They had two baby kittens, a boy and a girl, whose mother refused to feed and tend to them. They needed bottle feedings every 3-4 hours, regular butt wiping to stimulate bowel movements and other intensive mama care. We found a foster home for them with the Tucker Family. They had never tended to tiny kittens before but they were fast learners…You can read their story of raising the babies here: Newborns

After Seth and Kendra were old enough to be spayed and neutered, and both kittens had received their vaccinations, they found a loving home with Linda and Doug from Berlin, VT, and went home with them on January 18th.
On January 20th, adoption counselor Nancy wrote:
“I spoke with Linda, and she said that the kittens are doing great. They did not eat much on their first night home, but they ate better in the morning.
They have been very busy exploring the first floor together. As we spoke, the kittens were on the back of a chair napping together on a blanket that had been warmed in the sun.
Little Kendra seems to be feeling well post spay surgery. Linda said that every hour it seems as though they are settling in more and getting closer to their new humans.”
On January 20th, adoption counselor Nancy wrote:
“I spoke with Linda, and she said that the kittens are doing great. They did not eat much on their first night home, but they ate better in the morning.
They have been very busy exploring the first floor together. As we spoke, the kittens were on the back of a chair napping together on a blanket that had been warmed in the sun.
Little Kendra seems to be feeling well post spay surgery. Linda said that every hour it seems as though they are settling in more and getting closer to their new humans.”

On January 26th Nancy reported:
“Linda said that the kittens are adapting very well to their new home and that the kittens have adopted them!
They are eating well and there are no issues with the litter box. The kittens are very playful, they love exploring their home and are getting more and more affectionate with Linda and Doug.”

On February 2nd, Nancy called Linda again for an update:
“Seth and Kendra have been re-named Bandit and Lily Bug. They are not too hungry first thing in the morning, but get the zoomies, racing all over the place! After their morning exercise they are ready to eat. The kittens seem very content and for the last four nights or so, have slept in bed with their new mom and dad. They are snugglers and are dearly loved.”
“Seth and Kendra have been re-named Bandit and Lily Bug. They are not too hungry first thing in the morning, but get the zoomies, racing all over the place! After their morning exercise they are ready to eat. The kittens seem very content and for the last four nights or so, have slept in bed with their new mom and dad. They are snugglers and are dearly loved.”

Malcolm was thrown out of his home when his owner moved. The word is that the person had been quite abusive to him. And here is one of the beautiful things about cats: Even if abused, traumatized, they are so forgiving, so willing to move on and be sweet and gentle, and let it all go, and live in the new loving moment. Malcolm is such a cat.
Neighbors kept feeding Malcolm while he lived on the street. They grew very fond of him but couldn’t take him into their home.
KAS volunteer Nancy Pellegrino trapped Malcolm and fostered him until he gained enough trust to move into a room at the Shelter. He was shy but very gentle and affectionate once he came out of hiding. We knew that this young boy needed a home with very special people who would see his amazing qualities and treat him right.
Malcolm was thrown out of his home when his owner moved. The word is that the person had been quite abusive to him. And here is one of the beautiful things about cats: Even if abused, traumatized, they are so forgiving, so willing to move on and be sweet and gentle, and let it all go, and live in the new loving moment. Malcolm is such a cat.
Neighbors kept feeding Malcolm while he lived on the street. They grew very fond of him but couldn’t take him into their home.
KAS volunteer Nancy Pellegrino trapped Malcolm and fostered him until he gained enough trust to move into a room at the Shelter. He was shy but very gentle and affectionate once he came out of hiding. We knew that this young boy needed a home with very special people who would see his amazing qualities and treat him right.

Laura and Brian from Barre, VT had lost their beloved senior cat a few months earlier and were ready for a new feline companion in their lives. They saw Malcolm on the KAS website. His story touched their hearts and they both felt he might be the one. They had a large home with many windows to watch birds, squirrels, and deer, lots of beds, couches and soft chairs to snooze on, and both being retired they spent most of their time at home – a dream house for a sensitive cat like Malcolm.

When they visited Malcolm, he liked Laura and Brian right away and went home with them on January 24th.
On February 5th Laura wrote:
“Malcolm, now called Max, is doing remarkably well! He gradually started coming out from under the bed around the 5th day with me or Brian in the room and by the end of the first week he accepted us for his people!
We leave his door open now and he has ventured out of his safe room a couple of times at night. He still startles easily, and runs under the bed with certain noises, like the garage door, or a loud noise, but he comes back out with coaxing. He is spending more time out in the room during the day, without one of us in the room. He is a nighttime guy, but hopefully, with time he will adjust to daylight living as it is scary for him, especially with all the strange noises he hears. But I can see he feels much more relaxed and safer.
He is such a lovey boy! He is happy to see us and would spend the entire day on the bed with me or Brian if he could.
Here are a few pictures. He is currently sunning himself beside me on the bed.
We have fallen in love with him and I'm so excited to help him grow and discover his great big, beautiful life as an indoor kitty!
Thank you for all that you do and for believing in this gentle big boy.... his meow is so soft and weak!
Best, Laura “
On February 5th Laura wrote:
“Malcolm, now called Max, is doing remarkably well! He gradually started coming out from under the bed around the 5th day with me or Brian in the room and by the end of the first week he accepted us for his people!
We leave his door open now and he has ventured out of his safe room a couple of times at night. He still startles easily, and runs under the bed with certain noises, like the garage door, or a loud noise, but he comes back out with coaxing. He is spending more time out in the room during the day, without one of us in the room. He is a nighttime guy, but hopefully, with time he will adjust to daylight living as it is scary for him, especially with all the strange noises he hears. But I can see he feels much more relaxed and safer.
He is such a lovey boy! He is happy to see us and would spend the entire day on the bed with me or Brian if he could.
Here are a few pictures. He is currently sunning himself beside me on the bed.
We have fallen in love with him and I'm so excited to help him grow and discover his great big, beautiful life as an indoor kitty!
Thank you for all that you do and for believing in this gentle big boy.... his meow is so soft and weak!
Best, Laura “

This sweet handful of a cat showed up as a stray at a cat lover’s house in November. The person would have kept the kitty in a heartbeat if only the two male resident cats had agreed. They sensed that Bitsy had a queenlike personality who wanted their home and human all to herself. So, they firmly put down their paws and Bitsy had to be brought to the Shelter.
For a couple of months Bitsy throned on her favorite perch in the “castle room.” She was neither afraid nor fond of other cats; they simply did not matter. She clearly regarded humans as her own kind, and she waited patiently for the right people to come along.
Those people were Liz and TJ with their 3 children from Monroe, NH. They quickly made up their minds, applied, and took Bitsy home on January 27th.
Nancy, their adoption counselor, talked to them on the next day:
Liz said “so far, Bitsy has been doing great. She spent about 45 minutes exploring when we first got home, and then she settled on our laps, legs or shoulders ever since. We did learn she is a beggar and very food focused so we’ve upped her food just a tad.”
Wherever they are, Bitsy just wants to be with them. Bitsy is eating well and has already used the litter box. She spent about half of the night sleeping directly on top of either Liz or TJ. Liz said that Bitsy is SO sweet, seems to feel safe in their home, is calm and they are so happy with her. They are thrilled with Bitsy.”
Nancy checked in with the family several times during the following weeks and heard only good things. Bitsy and her people were like peas and carrots. She wasn’t interested at all in dashing out the door. She is glued to her people, and they love her!
This sweet handful of a cat showed up as a stray at a cat lover’s house in November. The person would have kept the kitty in a heartbeat if only the two male resident cats had agreed. They sensed that Bitsy had a queenlike personality who wanted their home and human all to herself. So, they firmly put down their paws and Bitsy had to be brought to the Shelter.
For a couple of months Bitsy throned on her favorite perch in the “castle room.” She was neither afraid nor fond of other cats; they simply did not matter. She clearly regarded humans as her own kind, and she waited patiently for the right people to come along.
Those people were Liz and TJ with their 3 children from Monroe, NH. They quickly made up their minds, applied, and took Bitsy home on January 27th.
Nancy, their adoption counselor, talked to them on the next day:
Liz said “so far, Bitsy has been doing great. She spent about 45 minutes exploring when we first got home, and then she settled on our laps, legs or shoulders ever since. We did learn she is a beggar and very food focused so we’ve upped her food just a tad.”
Wherever they are, Bitsy just wants to be with them. Bitsy is eating well and has already used the litter box. She spent about half of the night sleeping directly on top of either Liz or TJ. Liz said that Bitsy is SO sweet, seems to feel safe in their home, is calm and they are so happy with her. They are thrilled with Bitsy.”
Nancy checked in with the family several times during the following weeks and heard only good things. Bitsy and her people were like peas and carrots. She wasn’t interested at all in dashing out the door. She is glued to her people, and they love her!

Prince Harry
The local Animal Control Officer received this adorable young boy from an elderly gentleman in a trailer park who was very ill and couldn't care for him anymore. KAS took him in on January 11th.

Prince Harry didn’t have to wait long for a new home. Within two weeks he caught the eye of Cody and Felicity from St. Johnsbury, who were looking for a second feline friend, and a companion for their young cat Arlo, who had grown up as a single kitten.
Harry went home on January 27th, and everybody crossed their fingers and toes, hoping that the two handsome youngsters would like each other…

Felicity sent an update on February 7th:
“We’ve done a little renaming from Harry to Henry, but he still is our little prince. The boys are getting along well. It took around a week of slow introductions, but they couldn’t resist saying hi to each other.
Henry and Arlo love to play and everyone has found their comfort levels quickly. I’ll attach a few photos from this last week… Enjoy!”