July and August 2023 Adoptions
Written by Julia Persch

Olga and Luba
Back in February a double-pawed black mama cat called Addie gave birth to 8 kittens and raised the lot with the help of her sister Becky until the babies were ready for foster kindergarten. Two of the siblings were adopted in Spring.
Two other little girls, Olga and Luba, were a great delight to foster mom Pat for a little while longer. These snuggly, playful kittens found a lovely home on July 27th with Jason and his two sons in Lyndonville. The four young ones hit it off right away, having a wonderful time together.
In August Jason wrote: “The cats are great! Both cats sleep with both boys. When the boys are not here, the cats sleep with me. They are always together when sleeping. They are very playful, and Olga (now Lucy) likes her belly rubbed. Luba (now Luna) likes to be pet on her back and head.”
Back in February a double-pawed black mama cat called Addie gave birth to 8 kittens and raised the lot with the help of her sister Becky until the babies were ready for foster kindergarten. Two of the siblings were adopted in Spring.
Two other little girls, Olga and Luba, were a great delight to foster mom Pat for a little while longer. These snuggly, playful kittens found a lovely home on July 27th with Jason and his two sons in Lyndonville. The four young ones hit it off right away, having a wonderful time together.
In August Jason wrote: “The cats are great! Both cats sleep with both boys. When the boys are not here, the cats sleep with me. They are always together when sleeping. They are very playful, and Olga (now Lucy) likes her belly rubbed. Luba (now Luna) likes to be pet on her back and head.”

Basyl and Finnegan
These two little boys, another pair of Addie’s children, were raised by the Tucker family in Lyndonville. They were a little shy and needed some extra socializing time and gentling. After a few months they graduated as purry lap kitties from their excellent kitty foster school “summa cum laude.”
Willie in Hinesburg, Vermont was their lucky adopter.

On August 28th Willie wrote:
“Just wanted to give a brief update on the two wonderful cats that have adopted me. Ernest (aka Ernie; formerly Finnegan) is doing great. A bit camera shy so I haven’t been able to get any pictures of him, but he’s definitely loving the new place. He loves playing with his toys (as well as anything else within reach) and also seems to be the dominant of the 2 (so far, all kitty treats have made it to his mouth, even the ones set aside for his brother).
“Just wanted to give a brief update on the two wonderful cats that have adopted me. Ernest (aka Ernie; formerly Finnegan) is doing great. A bit camera shy so I haven’t been able to get any pictures of him, but he’s definitely loving the new place. He loves playing with his toys (as well as anything else within reach) and also seems to be the dominant of the 2 (so far, all kitty treats have made it to his mouth, even the ones set aside for his brother).

Sir Tyrone Rugen (formerly Basyl) is definitely the adventurous one. He’s also started getting in my lap for necessary skritches and love. As you can see in the pictures, he has a favorite spot and has taken a liking to helping me work…although he isn’t nearly as useful as he thinks he is 😊
The cats are doing great and have warmed up almost immediately. They’re also the hit of my Zoom meetings at work!”

A cat lover in a neighboring town contacted KAS in June about a young stray cat on her property. Initially she didn’t feed him, thinking he was owned and just visiting. But then she noticed that he began to get thin, so she started to feed him and provided an outside shelter. He appeared to be healthy, unneutered, very sweet and affectionate, a nice boy, cuddly, rubbing on her legs and very interested in trying to get into her home, where he promptly cornered her female cat. She named him Bob.
Surrendered to the Shelter, Bob got his full medical work up, was fixed and vaccinated and moved into the “castle room.” The new kid on the block was very easy going with his neighbors, making friends, and enjoying regular meals, energetic play times and cuddles. His happy adopters were Dennis and Dianne in Danville.

On July 28th, adoption counselor Nancy shared an update:
“Dianne describes Bob as a "wild one" with his kitten energy. Bob moves furniture, grabs area rugs with his teeth to move them and races up and down the stairs. Bob is a busy boy and empties his toy box daily. He flips his toys around in the air. Bob also hides under the rugs and runners as a game. Bob enjoys looking out the window while sitting on the back of the toilet, sitting in the bathroom sink, sitting on all of the windowsills, and his favorite toys are Styrofoam balls with yarn and knitted fabric wrapped around the balls. Dianne said that Bob will jump on the bed with them but will not stay for long. Although Bob is not a lap cat, he is very affectionate.
Bob is getting better at NOT door dashing. He now has a large home to run around in and he is curious about the outdoors, but he is getting better at not racing for the door. They are watchful of him, but he is doing really well.”
“Dianne describes Bob as a "wild one" with his kitten energy. Bob moves furniture, grabs area rugs with his teeth to move them and races up and down the stairs. Bob is a busy boy and empties his toy box daily. He flips his toys around in the air. Bob also hides under the rugs and runners as a game. Bob enjoys looking out the window while sitting on the back of the toilet, sitting in the bathroom sink, sitting on all of the windowsills, and his favorite toys are Styrofoam balls with yarn and knitted fabric wrapped around the balls. Dianne said that Bob will jump on the bed with them but will not stay for long. Although Bob is not a lap cat, he is very affectionate.
Bob is getting better at NOT door dashing. He now has a large home to run around in and he is curious about the outdoors, but he is getting better at not racing for the door. They are watchful of him, but he is doing really well.”

Certain cats have that special “something” that captures anybody’s heart on the spot. Ranger is just such a kitty, a gentleman through and through with the most endearing manners and personality.
At the age of 13 he came back to KAS early in spring for his second Shelter residency since 2019. After being handed around amongst family members of his former adopter, he arrived at the Shelter with several senior health issues and a longing to be settled for good during his golden years. Over the duration of a few months, Dr. Sally treated Ranger until his health was stabilized.
Meanwhile, volunteer Nancy Rivet had a keen eye on this precious boy. She was finally able to take him home early in August and the two of them have enjoyed a long-lasting honeymoon, and a match made in heaven.

On Day 6 Nancy wrote:
“I just wanted to give a quick update on Ranger. I was going to do an update yesterday, but Ranger and I took a nap instead.
I now call him Ranger Rivet because I like the sound of that.
Ranger is amazing and doing great. He is eating a bit more and I am figuring out that he seems to like fish flavored food.
Ranger really enjoys watching out the windows, sitting up high in his cat trees and he is surprisingly playful for a senior guy. He likes the fishing pole toy that I have and the balls with the bells in them. My sister from Missouri sent Ranger some cat nip mice as a home coming gift.
Ranger sleeps with me a good part of the night, which I love. He is getting to know the routine and the other day was pacing outside the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth as if to say: “Hurry up, I am ready to go to bed."
Also, just yesterday I had to go to my bedroom for something in the evening, but not at bedtime. Ranger ran up with me and jumped onto the bed, like, "Yaay, it is time for bed."
Another funny story, the other day, about 4 am, I got woken up by Ranger head butting me (gently). I guess I was ignoring him in my sleep! He is the sweetest boy ever.
Regarding meeting Bella, the puppy, now 4 months old: Things are going well. Bella is more excited to meet Ranger than Ranger is to meet Bella.
Ranger is still in the family room/safe room. When I can actively supervise, I now leave a screen separating the family room from the rest of the house so they can get to know one another better, but still supervised and safe. This morning, they came nose to nose for 2-3 minutes, and Ranger was fantastic. He was on a middle section of his tower and just stayed there (with a treat) and seemed pretty relaxed, but watchful. Bella was excited to see and smell Ranger close up. After 2-3 minutes, I ended the meeting, because I wanted to end it on a positive note, and everyone got a treat.
They were both great. Now, Ranger is high on his tower and Bella is just on the floor hanging out in the same room (with me).
Overall, Ranger is fantastic, and I don't think there is a better cat anywhere in the world. I love him to pieces already.”
“I just wanted to give a quick update on Ranger. I was going to do an update yesterday, but Ranger and I took a nap instead.
I now call him Ranger Rivet because I like the sound of that.
Ranger is amazing and doing great. He is eating a bit more and I am figuring out that he seems to like fish flavored food.
Ranger really enjoys watching out the windows, sitting up high in his cat trees and he is surprisingly playful for a senior guy. He likes the fishing pole toy that I have and the balls with the bells in them. My sister from Missouri sent Ranger some cat nip mice as a home coming gift.
Ranger sleeps with me a good part of the night, which I love. He is getting to know the routine and the other day was pacing outside the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth as if to say: “Hurry up, I am ready to go to bed."
Also, just yesterday I had to go to my bedroom for something in the evening, but not at bedtime. Ranger ran up with me and jumped onto the bed, like, "Yaay, it is time for bed."
Another funny story, the other day, about 4 am, I got woken up by Ranger head butting me (gently). I guess I was ignoring him in my sleep! He is the sweetest boy ever.
Regarding meeting Bella, the puppy, now 4 months old: Things are going well. Bella is more excited to meet Ranger than Ranger is to meet Bella.
Ranger is still in the family room/safe room. When I can actively supervise, I now leave a screen separating the family room from the rest of the house so they can get to know one another better, but still supervised and safe. This morning, they came nose to nose for 2-3 minutes, and Ranger was fantastic. He was on a middle section of his tower and just stayed there (with a treat) and seemed pretty relaxed, but watchful. Bella was excited to see and smell Ranger close up. After 2-3 minutes, I ended the meeting, because I wanted to end it on a positive note, and everyone got a treat.
They were both great. Now, Ranger is high on his tower and Bella is just on the floor hanging out in the same room (with me).
Overall, Ranger is fantastic, and I don't think there is a better cat anywhere in the world. I love him to pieces already.”

On 8/27 Nancy wrote:
“I just wanted to do another quick update on Ranger. He is just the best boy ever.
Ranger is doing well, and he is still working on getting to know the puppy.
Bella is desperately trying to make friends and Ranger is telling her that he needs more space, which is fine.
Ranger still spends most of his time in his safe room, but he has his tower, several beds, food, water, litter, 2 large windows so he is doing ok.
Ranger spends most of the night with me, sometimes by my legs, by my back and at times he will put his head on the pillow right next to me. He is SO cute.
Overall, Ranger is just wonderful, and I love him. Thank you for letting him come home to me. I could not be happier with him.”
“I just wanted to do another quick update on Ranger. He is just the best boy ever.
Ranger is doing well, and he is still working on getting to know the puppy.
Bella is desperately trying to make friends and Ranger is telling her that he needs more space, which is fine.
Ranger still spends most of his time in his safe room, but he has his tower, several beds, food, water, litter, 2 large windows so he is doing ok.
Ranger spends most of the night with me, sometimes by my legs, by my back and at times he will put his head on the pillow right next to me. He is SO cute.
Overall, Ranger is just wonderful, and I love him. Thank you for letting him come home to me. I could not be happier with him.”

Geraldine and Jade
Last October a shy, slender, young beauty with exotic markings was surrendered to the Shelter, nearly paralyzed in fear. Geraldine came from a home that was overcrowded with pregnant cats, bullying toms and kitten litters. She had been bonded with her cat sister, and her human mom was the only person that she knew in her one-year-long life. After Geraldine was left at KAS, her two loved ones were suddenly gone and Geraldine alone in a strange environment. She was terrified, depressed and wouldn’t come out of hiding for several weeks. Finally, with the help of the sweet and social “therapy cat” Katsura, and the patient company of a volunteer, Geraldine came out of her shell. It still took many months until Geraldine opened up to sit on her care takers laps, to purr up a storm and look forward to her KAS people spending time with her. But strangers were not welcome. Visitors never saw how wonderful Geraldine truly was, because she was hiding during adoption hours, looking like a terrified wild cat, straight from the North African desert.

In truth Geraldine made it very clear that she didn’t want to go home with a stranger. And luckily her Shelter girlfriend Fran got the message. Geraldine became Fran’s housemate and family member on August 28th.

Fran had plenty of space at home and knew that Geraldine would like cat company, therefore another adorable kitty girl joined the adoption party: Jade had been a Shelter resident for two months when Fran decided that she would join her clan.
Jade was found as a stray. She was friendly, graceful and a darling of a cat. She settled into the Shelter right away and seemed quite at ease, although regular stomach upset betrayed her hidden anxiety and loneliness. She was nervous around the big boys in her neighboring spaces and couldn’t wait to be part of a girl commune.
Jade was found as a stray. She was friendly, graceful and a darling of a cat. She settled into the Shelter right away and seemed quite at ease, although regular stomach upset betrayed her hidden anxiety and loneliness. She was nervous around the big boys in her neighboring spaces and couldn’t wait to be part of a girl commune.

On August 29th Fran wrote:
“Update - both girls are doing great!
Jade settled in really quickly and today she wanted out of her bedroom and is now exploring the whole house confidently (except for Gerry’s bedroom).

Gerry is comfortable in her bedroom. I’m going to give her a little more time before letting her out (and she and Jade can smell each other under the bedroom door). Gerry loves it when I spend time in her bedroom and wants lots of attention then settles down next to me with her head on my belly.
They’re both enjoying the bird watching and neighborhood happenings. I’m so glad that they both came home with me.

On September 2nd Fran wrote:
“Geraldine’s new name is Kerry.
Thought you’d like this one…. anytime I lie down, I get a Kerry blanket 🙂
Love them both!
Jade is now named Georgia, for no particular reason. I just like it.”
This young goofy gentleman was adopted on August 9th. His story deserved its own separate article in this Newsletter, click here to read it.