Volunteer Spotlight - Brenda
One of the best volunteer images ever is on a cold, frosty Fall morning, Brenda driving her dark red convertible, top down, with Tugi in the passenger seat, both hands high in the air, feeling the wind...absolutely thrilled with that moment in time. It was very Thelma and Louise.
According to the other volunteers, that is Brenda….fun, funny, caring, and efficient….all while the team works on morning duty to feed and medicate and clean the kitties. And then there is her son, Patrick, who also volunteered with KAS for a while. Patrick has a way with the cats and kittens...so gentle. And Patrick saved many a volunteer from the frustration of entering the urine and stool records, morning and night, for each and every cat. Patrick devised a computer program, complete with photos of each cat, where one could easily click on the photo and enter the daily output of each cat. Add to the Sattelberger family, dad Bob...who comes in now and then to help out...and you have one dedicated and cherished KAS volunteer family.
Probably about 8 years ago, Brenda volunteered at the old shelter, doing morning duty during the week. Once a job came into the picture, she had to bow out for a while. But about two years ago, she began again, coming in on weekends to help with morning duty. She says she really enjoys the other volunteers, how upbeat they are, how friendly.
Brenda was born in Stanford, Connecticut, and grew up there. She then went to college in Pennsylvania, focusing on Social Work. A move to Arizona was next, where they spent 7 years, she changing over to work with kindergarteners and then staying home with their two sons, Patrick and Daniel. The final move was to Vermont, where they now make their home in Lyndonville. Brenda teaches Special Ed in the elementary school. She likes working with the kids in small groups, being able to make individual plans for each student, seeing their progress, watching them move back on to grade level.
In her spare time, Brenda enjoys reading, hiking and cooking, in particular baking...especially cakes and cookies. KAS is the beneficiary of her culinary interests as Brenda always donates baked goods to our Halloween and Valentine Spaghetti dinners.
The Sattelbergers have two cats of their own, each about 12 years old. In addition, they have fostered for KAS. One foster was a diabetic cat...who was eventually adopted out of their home.
In addition, they have recently fostered a set of four beautiful long haired black and grey kittens who were so well socialized they were scooped right up by adopters.

Brenda is thrilled with the new Shelter, how much nicer it looks, how spacious it is. She likes that the cats have much more room to be out and about and yet be able to find places to be by themselves when other cats are out. Brenda has a special place in her heart for our long timers….Alfie with his outgoing personality, Alana with her gorgeous eyes, and Mae with her sweet beautiful coat. Brenda wants so much to see them in their forever homes. She did admit, though, that Alfie has it pretty plush, with his own colony room and a window. Maybe he is just fine with us for a while.
Thank you, Brenda, Patrick and Bob for all you do for the KAS kitties.