Volunteer Spotlight - Caleb and Nicole

Meet two of our new volunteers, Caleb and Nicole. Last November they moved into the St. Johnsbury area from E. Montpelier. They bought a house for themselves and their dog, Booger, and their cat, Pooch. When they were moving in, they couldn’t find Pooch anywhere. Caleb looked all around the new house, went outside to look. It was in the middle of a snowstorm, of course. That’s when they contacted Kingdom Animal Shelter to see if anyone had brought in a grey cat. That led to a wonderful chain of events. They found Pooch in the house, hiding. At the beginning of January, they decided to check in with the shelter about adopting another kitty. And that led to them volunteering at the Shelter.
Both Caleb and Nicole grew up in the E. Montpelier or Barre area. Nicole helped with her grandmother’s day care. Nicole enjoys being home, enjoys spending time with her pets and her crafts. She particularly likes making jewelry, especially clay jewelry. Along with their dog and cat, she has a small animal room where a rabbit and various birds, including doves, quails, and finches live. She also enjoys gardening and has flowers started inside, eager to be planted outside. Caleb is a software quality analyst for Oracle. He works out of their home, which also allows him to be with Booger and Pooch. In his non-work time, he likes to tend to the house, play his guitar, and listen to books on tape.

They began volunteering at our new shelter in mid-January, 2019. They really enjoy doing tuck in on Saturday nights, but are always volunteering to take on other tuck ins when we need a hand. In mid February, they applied for and were approved to adopt Sadie. They were very careful in their deliberations about which KAS kitty would fit in with Pooch and Booger. Sadie was the one and she is happy as a clam there. She is, of course, especially interested in what’s in that small animal room. She has met the rabbit. But she would especially like to meet the finches.
Caleb and Nicole find doing tuck in very relaxing. Any tension melts away. They like getting to know the cats, socializing with them. And as Caleb said, it is nice doing something that isn’t self-serving. Caleb’s favorite Shelter cats (so far) are Cleopatra and Milan. For Nicole, it is Bob, Stuart, and Delia.
Caleb and Nicole find doing tuck in very relaxing. Any tension melts away. They like getting to know the cats, socializing with them. And as Caleb said, it is nice doing something that isn’t self-serving. Caleb’s favorite Shelter cats (so far) are Cleopatra and Milan. For Nicole, it is Bob, Stuart, and Delia.
Our new Shelter is the nicest that they have seen. They love its low-key atmosphere, its a happy environment for the cats, and the many ways and opportunities to socialize with the cats. Thank you, Caleb and Nicole, for your easy going, loving care of the KAS kitties. We are thrilled to have you with us.